
Check permissions in ZF2 Zend/Navigation with ZfcRbac

ZfcRbac is not tailored to work with Zend/Navigation. There aren’t any builded native solutions that gives ZfcRbac permission to enable or disable entry of menu. The solution for that problem is quite simple.
I found solution in this blog: http://blog.webdevilopers.net/check-zend-navigation-page-permissions-with-zfcrbac/. I based on it. But this solution caused a problem. Positions in menu are displayed only if perrmision is defined. If permission is not defined, menu’s posiotin is displayed.
I’ll show you how to implement checking perrmisions and enabled / disabled menu positions with ZfcRbac. There is only one change in RbacListener:

class RbacListener
  protected $authorizationService;

  public function __construct(AuthorizationServiceInterface $authorizationService)
      $this->authorizationService = $authorizationService;

  public function accept(EventInterface $event)
      $page = $event->getParam('page');

      if (! $page instanceof AbstractPage) {

      $permission = $page->getPermission();

      if (is_null($permission)) {
          return false;


      return $this->authorizationService->isGranted($permission);

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